How to grow Rio

Maybe you want to plant a Rio for the first time – even try gardening for the first time? You’re making the best choice. Rio is the easiest plant ever. Relax, it’s Rio.

Take a minute to find the right place for Rio. Rio loves full or mid sun. With the benefits of being both heat-proof and drought-tolerant, Rio Dipladenia/Mandevilla does not, however, thrive in shade or in temperatures below 5°C, but revels in full sun. Rio Dipladenias/Mandevillas are summer-flowering plants which really like to be outside in full sun, where they will flower quickly and profusely! They will produce an impressive show with glowing colours.

Taking care of Rio is actually really easy, as it is resistant to sun, heat and drought. Of course, as a living product, you will need to give it some water- you can really Relax with Rio.

TIP 1 – Plant Rio in a flower bed, hanging basket, pot or window box. The ideal planting time is from the end of April with frost protection. Once the frost has past then they can be put outside.

TIP 2 – Water a bit after planting and let them drain. Water your Rio occasionally, when the soil begins dry, plus feed regularly to give good flower colour and prolonged blooming. Having said that, it will still thrive if you sometimes forget to water!

TIP 3 – Add a little fertiliser at planting time to encourage flowering and improved colour.

TIP 4 – As Rio is self cleaning (you don’t need to remove old flowers), just take a seat and Relax close to Rio.